Sepoy mutiny definition for kids
Sepoy mutiny definition for kids

Indian Rebellion of 1857 - Simple English Wikipedia, the … Sepoy rebellion leader The Sepoy Rebellion Stanford History Education Group Sepoy rebellion leader Sepoy Mutiny: Indian Revolt of 1857 - ThoughtCo On May 10, 1857, troops in Meerut began the Revolt of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Independence 1857, which marked the commencement of the Indian Independence War.Many other notable freedom fighters played a significant role in …

sepoy mutiny definition for kids

Mangal Pandey - Wikipedia WebThe most important leaders of the Revolt of 1857 were Rani Laxmi Bai, Bahadur Shah Zafar, and Mangal Pandey. … que funcion hace el bazo en el organismo The main centres of revolt, commonly known as the sepoy mutiny in these regions namely Kanpur, Lucknow, Bareilly, Jhansi, Gwalior, and Arrah in Bihar.WebSepoy rebellion definition, a revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857–59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown.

sepoy mutiny definition for kids

Other soldiers, primarily those stationed in.

  • Once in Delhi, the uprising gained legitimacy when the sepoys made the 82-year-old Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah II the leader of their rebellion.
  • que funcion hace el agua en nuestro cuerpo There had been many reasons that led to the collapse of this powerful rebellion like there was no common leader, no unity.
  • The event was known as many names the Sepoy Mutiny, the Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857, the Indian Resurrection, and India’s First War Of Independence.
  • IMAGE: Indian Mutiny: Massacre of Officers by Insurgent.
  • By May 12, Delhi was outside British control and Bahadur Shah had been forced by the sepoys to become the leader of the rebellion.
  • Begun in Meerut by Indian troops (sepoys) in the service of the British East India Company, it spread to Delhi, Agra, Kanpur, and Lucknow. WebIndian Mutiny, also called Sepoy Mutiny or First War of Independence, widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India in 1857–59.

    Sepoy mutiny definition for kids